
Over a span of 25 years, I have been involved as a teacher, educator and leader in the spectrum of medical education - from undergraduate, postgraduate to continuing education and professional development. 

When I was growing up, I always admired my teachers but somehow ended up in the field of Medicine. I am an Emergency Physician and the Director of Medical Education and the Centre for Education at North York General Hospital in Toronto, Canada.  I split my time between my clinical work in the Emergency Department and my education roles.  I am a Professor in the Division of Emergency Medicine, Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Toronto.


I was influenced most in my formative years; while working with my father in the restaurant business, by my high school teachers, and being a camper and counsellor at a leadership summer camp in Northern Ontario. I attribute everything I know about leadership and learning to my summers at camp as a teen – only to learn the labels and theories during my formal graduate education.

I am married to my wife Jane for over 27 years and have 3 boys (actually men) that I get to practice all my teaching, coaching and mentoring skills with.  I am passionate about teaching and cycling (not necessarly in that order.)

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Education Philosophy

I am passionate about teaching and education.  I ike to create and add value to individuals, groups and organizations.  I believe that the best teachers and educators must also be risk takers - always willing to try new things and possibly fall flat on their face.  I like to challenge both traditional paradigms and emerging trends.  I am a strong proponent of constructivism learning theory, and strongly believe that we as teachers are simply facilitators (the guides on the side, not the sage on the stage).  And finally, I belive that teaching and learning is a social phenomena that cannot be reduced to a simple tweet.