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CHANGECME COMMITMENT TO CHANGE PRACTICE: An online tool and portfolio for physicians and other health professionals

What is ChangeCME?

ChangeCME is a free online tool and portfolio for physicians and other health professionals. ChangeCME enables you to track what you learn in lectures, seminars, podcasts, rounds (Icould go on), to change your practice and improve patient care.  I believe that it will change the way you view continuing medical and health professional education and the way you learn.

Benefits of ChangeCME

  1. Track what you learn over time

  2. Receive reminders on what you considered important

  3. Reflect on your CME and your practice

  4. Assist with professional reporting requirements

  5. Share what you learn with others

  6. Change your practice and help improve patient care


How does ChangeCME work?

After each lecture, seminar, podcast, rounds (I could go on), you simply log one thing you would do differently in your practice as a result of participating in the learning activity.  In other words … what you commit to change in your practice. You will be sent an email reminder of this “change item” after 1 week, 1 month, 3 months and 6 months. You will be asked if you actually have followed through with this change in your practice.

What else does ChangeCME do?

At any time, you can view “My Portfolio” and all the education activities you have participated in. View the items that you have committed to change (along with whether you were successful or not).

But that’s not all. You can also interact with other ChangeCME users by sharing what you learned and activities you recommend.

Why should I use ChangeCME?

As physicians and other health professionals, we all attend lectures, seminars, workshops, rounds, listen to podcasts, watch webinars, read journal articles (we could go on). But the sad truth is that even though we think we are benefiting from these activities, research tells us that it might not be changing our practice and helping our patients as much as we think.

What we also know from research, is that if you commit to changing something after one of these activities and you are reminded about this later, you are more likely to change your practice and help your patients.