Since the early 2000's, I have spent a considerable amount of time "teaching others how to teach" This is often refered to as "faculty development", an area of medical education that is receiving increasing recognition as an important and valued component of medical education. Many of my efforts in this area have been focussed on "teaching others to teach in the Emergency Department." In 2002, a colleague invited me to present a workshop on "Teaching Strategies in a Busy Emergency Department" At the time there was no specific literature on how to do this in the ED setting. So after I presented the workshop, I wrote an article for the Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine which was one of the early pieces of literature on this topic.
Since then, the Emergency Medicine literature has exploded with lots of scholarly work on the topic. My colleagues through the Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians developed the seminal course on teaching in the ED "ED STAT" . Since 2010, I have been an instructor in this course teaching numerous course across Canada. I have also had the opportunity to expand my teaching on how to teach outside of EM to nurses and other health professionals.
Have a listen to a podcast I recorded with Master Teacher Dr. Amal Mattu and my good friend Dr. Anton Helman on "Teaching on Shift"